Monday, December 16, 2019

Photography News December 2019

Welcome to the Christmas round up for photography gear.  This is the time of year when many manufacturers and distributors announce their biggest savings.  So let's get started.

Sigma 85mm f1.4 Art 
The Sigma 85mm 1.4 Art  is one of the best DSLR lenses ever.  If you're looking for a lens to squeeze every pixel from your high resolution sensor this is it.  But don't ask me.  The Sigma 85MM F1.4 Art gets a stellar grade from DXOMARK.  The Sigma 85mm F1.4 comes in mounts for popular DSLR brands and unlike the Zeiss glass it has autofocus and image stabilization.  The only negatives I see are the large filter size and the absence of a aperture ring.  These are minor drawbacks if you need the sharpest lens possible.

Kodak Ektachrome 

There's good news from Kodak if you have a film junkie on your Christmas list.  As promised Kodak is releasing its Ektachrome color transparency film in 120 and 4x5 just in time for Christmas!  This 100 ISO film has extremely fine grain and very pleasing color rendition.  It's been reformulated on a base optimized for scanning.

Canon Pixma PRO-10 reviewed here.  And available at B&H until December 31st with a $200 mail in rebate.  With its pigment based LUCIA inks and archival paper the PRO-10 can make giclée quality prints.  I'll let you look that up.  Suffice it to say, this printer will take your images from the screen to a tactile print worthy of display.  Don't be afraid to take the next step.

Fujifilm X-T30 

Wrapping up my holiday roundup is the Fujifilm X-T30 reviewed here by Ken Rockwell.  The X-T30 is a APS-C mirrorless camera packed with potential.  There are plenty of excellent lens choices and top shelf accessories.  The X-T30 gives a nod in design to the film cameras of the past and is available in money saving bundles through Christmas.

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Golden Age of Hollywood Glamour

George Hurrell 
For a fleeting few decades Hollywood studios employed the greatest photographers to promote their biggest stars.  The illusion of glamour was made real in photographs.  Craftsmen of light and shadow captured elegant images on 8x10 negatives with a shelf life of 200 years.

Rita Hayworth by George Hurrell 
It was the grandest boudoir.  It was the finest portraiture.  And all of it was done without today's electronics.  Indeed, most of the works from the 20s, 30s, and 40s have only the barest of props.  It was lights, camera and the model.  And what models those photographers had.

Heddy Lamar by Clarence Sinclair Bull 
Today large format film photography is used primarily by a few landscape photographers.  It is greatly coveted for its incredible resolution in the fields of architecture and landscape.  The great Hollywood photographers valued these cameras and their large negatives for the beautiful tonality.

Gladys Zielian by Alfred Cheney Johnston 
You can find out more about large format photography here.  New large format cameras are still available new from stores such as B&H Photo.  They are expensive for sure but used cameras are often available on EBay.

As always if you have camera equipment gathering dust, get in touch and I will put it to use. and mccainkirby on Instagram

For more info on large format and photography in general check out Ken Rockwell's website.  It is full of gorgeous photography!

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Photography: Up Close

Beautiful vistas are just that, beautiful.  It's what we're looking for when we're on vacation.  The sun glistening over the bay.  A quiet lake with the snow capped Rockies in the background.  Waiting till vacation to take a great picture?  Why? There are plenty of opportunities around us everyday!

Nikon D300 w/ 50mm f1.8
When you look at a garden, what do you see?  If you take the time to really look at your surroundings you will find a world full of opportunities.  Get close and, as much as possible, focus on your subject.

Pet Portraits are fun 
Nikon D3400 w/ 70-300mm
Of course, a close focusing lens is essential.  The 50mm Nikkor lens used for the flower, reviewed here, is inexpensive and sharp.  Paired with the D300 from 2007, reviewed here, it's very capable of producing wonderful pictures.

One last note, try getting on the same level as your subject.  I've always considered it a mistake to make every exposure from a standing position.  Here's another example of shooting from a different perspective.

Avatar cosplay from DragonCon 
While this creative young cosplayer posed for a dude shooting from the standing position I slipped down a stairwell for my shot.  He shot on and on because digital is free but he never varied his perspective, despite seeing me taking a shot from the stairs.  And the young lady never asked for my card.

Get close and choose a perspective.

My mother inspired my interest in photography and at 62 I'm still shooting.  My interest in film photography remains strong.  If you have film equipment collecting dust consider donating it to someone that would put it to use, like me.

I'm particularly interested in large and medium format cameras.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Climate Catastrophe in Photographs

When every weather related disaster is portrayed as the result of man made climate change it is a testament to our ignorance of history.  There is nothing new about these calamities.

Rochester N.Y. March 1913
Yes, horses were still being used in the early twentieth century.  I suppose their flatulence might be to blame for this disaster.  Greta Thunberg could not be reached for her expert opinion.

While automobiles were yet to be commonplace cameras certainly were and Rochester was the home of Kodak.  The photograph above is from a collection at Monovisions.

In March of 1913 a weather system moved up out of the Gulf of Mexico dumping torrential rainfall as it moved through the Midwest to the northeast.  Photography was now in the hands, literally, of more people.  Large unwieldy cameras were giving way to smaller hand held units.  Here, one photography blogger determines which cameras might have been used to capture the devastation.

Dayton Ohio March 1913
The Great Flood of 1913 was the biggest disaster in Ohio history.  Dayton was particularly hard hit when levees along the Miami River succumbed to the deluge.  Rather than blame something as speculative as climate change the people invested in modern flood control.  

Suing power companies and blaming man made climate change will not prevent forest fires in California.  Greta Thunberg is the face of a political agenda that prevents us, the people, from taking practical action like land management.

One hundred years later we are no wiser.  When viewing the present without the context of the past we can be easily deceived.

I hope you've enjoyed this look back at the hardships of the past and the practical remedies.  I have been going through some hardship of my own due to a chronic health condition.  You can help by donating through my PayPal here.

I could really use a haircut! Thanks 

Monday, September 2, 2019

Helping Homeless Veterans

Last night Gretchen @codeofvets expressed her frustration that so many veterans are homeless.  It's a vexing problem.  The conditions that create this problem aren't going away anytime soon.

No one really represents the homeless.  This humanity crisis is faceless.  It's not an attractive cause.  Who will go to Washington and lobby for the programs that will help these people?  That's what it will take.

Drug addiction and mental health programs must be tailored for the homeless.  D.C. Politicians will be loathe to spend on programs that don't target a voting block.  Transitional housing and access to jobs with be needed.  None of this will be fully funded without a strong presence in D.C. to put pressure on lawmakers.

Next media coverage is needed to advance the issue.  Putting faces and stories to the homeless crisis will help put pressure on politicians.  The media tend to focus on the problems caused by the homeless and not the people that are homeless.  People have been led to believe the homeless are somehow not capable of being rehabilitated.  That's, as we used to say, a cop out.

I know from my own experience what has happened to most of these people.  At some point, they were dispossessed.  They lacked the means to get back to a stable existence.  It's usually the loners like myself that fall through the cracks.

Preventing homelessness should be the top priority.  Once someone has become homeless bringing them back is much harder than prevention.  Identifying those most likely to become homeless is paramount.

There's no easy answers for homelessness.  It's not an attractive cause but public perception must change for this problem to be properly addressed.  It will be an ongoing effort.

Before I finish please let me mention my own story.  I'm out of work due to health concerns. I still have my job but can't work. I started a GoFundme when this began but the fundraising has gone slowly.  My fault, it's not exactly my strong suite.  Feel free to check it out. If you're uncertain about the GoFundme platform you may contribute directly through my PayPal
My suggestion would be to levy a tax to provide a permanent revenue for homeless programs.  It would require the funds to be dedicated and not become a part of the general budget.

This problem cannot and should not be ignored. We must advocate for these people and help them regain their dignity.

William Kirby McCain 

Sunday, September 1, 2019

With Your Help

Another boring post chronicling my slow to go fundraiser and time out of work.  It's now been over two months since I've worked or received a paycheck. Please feel free to check out my fundraiser page and the updates for more details. My medical saga began eleven years ago when I had a triple bypass and was diagnosed with atherosclerosis.

Now that I'm getting older the doctors are ordering more and more tests to let me continue to work. In 2016 I had a endarterectomy to clear my left carotid.

In 2018 I missed three months of work while a nuclear stress test and heart catheterization was done.  Why did it take so long?  First I schedule a appointment. Then the stress test is scheduled. After the test an appointment is scheduled to review the test. There's a week or more between each of those steps and then the process was repeated for the catheterization.

If the process of testing is slow then my attempt at fundraising is equally slow.  As a result I've put everything of value in the pawn shop to stay afloat.  The biggest hit was the motorcycle. If I get back to work I can save it. Until then I'm relying on public transportation.

'06 Kawasaki 900 Vulcan

I was hopeful that one of the #TwitterPhilanthropy veteran oriented groups might retweet my fundraiser. And Bill Pulte @pulte is absolutely swamped by people that need help.  And he's doing a wonderful thing.

The Veteran groups such as CodeofVets have been quite, too.  And there could be a reason.  While I received a honorable discharge there was a set of circumstances that required me to get out early.

Shortly after I enlisted my mother passed suddenly at forty-seven.  It was a terrible shock.

My father, a WWII veteran, took my mother's passing exceptionally hard. Dad began to drink more often and my younger brothers often had to look after themselves.  Dad had been seriously wounded during the war and most certainly suffered from PTSS.  As time passed the situation at home for my brothers became worse and my father wanted me to come home and help shore things up.  He contacted our senator and I was transferred to Ft. McPherson until I was discharged.  It wasn't what I wanted to do at the time but I have no regrets.  I don't know how that might look for anyone that wants to vet my service but it is what it is.  If that would be the cause for the veteran groups not supporting my fundraiser that's fine, they're doing fantastic work for a lot of veterans.

I would like to thank the incredible people of the Atlanta VA Medical Center.  They're always there for me and they are the greatest.

The GoFundme platform and those like it are a wonderful development on the internet. It is a positive in our sometimes troubled society.  In times of crisis people can quickly reach out to others in need and that's a good thing.

I sat down to write this so that I might better help people understand my situation.  I hope this may allay any doubts about my fundraiser.  If you want to help share my campaign on Twitter and Facebook.  You can donate as little as five dollars and even do so anonymously at my GoFundme page.

If you're adverse of the Gofundme platform you may contribute directly through my PayPal account.

Lastly, I want to thank everyone that has donated to and shared my story.  You're support is making the difference for a senior and veteran that will get back on his feet and go on to help others.

Thank you and God Bless 

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Our Navy and the New Cold War

You read that correctly there is a new cold war. China is becoming increasingly aggressive towards its neighbors. It is claiming more and more islands based on distant history. Its communist government regularly ignores international maritime conventions.

Japan has been forced to build installations on uninhibited islands to prevent China from taking them.  China is running armed ships into Japanese waters without notice. Realizing that its neighbor has become a threat Japan has begun a military build up.

Taiwan has also begun to take its own defense seriously.  China protested strongly a recently inked sale of F-16 fighters to the island nation and now the Taiwanese are promising to build their own fighters and submarines.

Vietnam and the Philippines are likewise feeling threatened by Beijing. Joint military exercises between Russia and China were clearly meant to intimate South Korea.

And now the killing of a American carrier is thinkable. Isn't this a cold war? If you read that article you'll discover our carriers can't operate close enough to the area without becoming a target. Our carrier based planes don't have the range. By default our missile subs have become the biggest deterrent to Chinese aggression.

Between 1997 and 2016 U.S. submarine production dropped by 80%.  During that time we lost the industrial base required to build the subs we need today. Because of that General Dynamics is struggling to meet the new demand.

Our European allies have grown soft and can offer little support. The free nations of the Pacific are acknowledging China's regional ambitions. If we fail to act the communist government of China will begin to gobble up it's smaller neighbors and that will directly affect the United States.

Just announced: Japan passes record defense budget.

Dorian - You Can Help

On August 19th I dropped by the local Red Cross collection site to donate blood.  As a truck driver I have delivered relief supplies into hurricane affected zones.  I've seen the devastation.  So when this time of year rolls around I make sure to get out and give blood.

In better times I donate during DragonCon but with my recent difficulties I wasn't going to be able to attend.  The good news is there is a app that makes it easy to find a local blood drive and give.

You can schedule your donation then follow it through each step. My donation was ready for use today. Great! And the app informs me that I'm eligible to give again in October.

Giving the gift of life has never been easier.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Epstein and FBI Secrets

Even before his shocking death in a NYC jail the case of Jeffrey Epstein was full of intrigue. The so called Lolita express, Pedophile island and a list of big names has made for plenty of bombshell headlines. His pedophilia was demented. How was he able to get away with it so long?

In 2008 Epstein got a sweetheart deal after pleading to trafficking a minor. The plea came after a Non Prosecution Agreement was offered that protected Epstein and any co-conspirators from future federal charges.  I think it's fair to ask why such a deal would ever have been made. According to reports, the United States attorney Alexander Acosta has said he was told to back off.

Since 2016 we have learned that there were people in the FBI willing to act on their allegiance to the Democrat Party. Hillary Clinton's illegal email server, an open secret, was ignored. Clinton was exonerated in a piece of political theater meant for public consumption. Then an investigation was opened into possible collusion between then candidate Donald Trump and Russia based on a phoney document. Clearly there was a bias in the actions of the FBI.

Label me a conspiracy theory nut but how much of a stretch is it to think that Democrat friendly officials in the DOJ and FBI had known about Epstein's activities for some time. If someone told Acosta to back off, who was it? Who knew? Comey? Rosenstein? Mueller? McCabe?

Did the millionaire investor's recent arrest come as a result of regime change at  the DOJ? That would seem possible. If true, there might be a lot of people beyond the Epstein investigation that are worried their secrets will no longer be kept.

In 2014 my brother reported on a Hollywood pedophilia scandal involving Democrat donors.  Despite rumors of pool parties with young twinks there has never been, to our knowledge, an investigation.  There have been rumors for years involving powerful men in Hollywood and young people they might have molested. Were these big name Hollywood types protected because of their political allegiance? Hollywood is one the biggest sources of campaign contributions on the political landscape and it belongs to Democrats.

It's seems like the partisan culture at work during 2016 election season within the DOJ and FBI may have been at work for a longer time than anyone has suspected. How many investigations might have been affected? How many criminals have gone on to commit more crimes?

Have you wondered why nothing has happened to the bad actors behind the spygate scandal? When dirty cops, prosecutors and judges are prosecuted and convicted any case they touched could be tossed. The scale of this partisan corruption is huge and potentially goes back more than a decade. It's no surprise that Comey, McCabe and Strzok have been so defiant. The fallout from a prosecution would be like a wildfire. That's why we'll never know the extent of the problem or see a prosecution.

My final thoughts in a moment. I'm currently out of work with health problems. I've been out of work for over a month. My Gofundme Kirby's Medical Fundraiser fully funded will help me get through this. You can support me by sharing my story and donating if you can.

James Comey was the central player in the 2016 election season. From the free pass given to Hillary Clinton to the strategic media leaks meant to damage President Donald Trump, Comey's activism is front and center. And while he was running the show he certainly had plenty of help.

Alexander Acosta resigned as Labor Secretary and the story died. We need to know who might have wanted him to back off in the prosecution of Jeffrey Epstein. The Senate Judiciary Committee needs to have him testify. The origins of the group that worked so hard to affect the 2016 election must be explored. This is the only way to make sure that all of these partisans have been removed from power.

Protecting pedophiles because they're political donors? That's just sick.


Thursday, August 1, 2019

My Funder

In my previous post I spoke of the wonderful work of Bill Pulte and the awareness of charitable giving that's being raised by it. Inspired by his generosity thousands are joining in to help people when they most need it. I also need to mention @codeofvets for the wonderful work she has been doing on behalf of #Veterans in need. So, now just a short post about my fundraiser and the considerations I put into it.

My Funder is not about covering all of the costs that I will incur. My best estimation is that fully funded three thousand dollars will sustain me until I can get back to work. No frills, just keeping up a meager existence throughout this medical process. If I had to guess, the real cost of my medical treatment and lost wages would land near the ten thousand dollar mark. By keeping the fundraiser amount lower I hope people would be more inclined to give.

Mine is not a case that draws universal sympathy. Mine is a case of someone deprived of making a living by a faceless and unfeeling bureaucracy. It's the most unspectacular problem someone can face. This isn't something that grabs another person by the heart strings. As a result, my fundraiser doesn't grow in leaps and bounds. It requires constant promotion to gather donations and that is why I always ask people to share my story on their social media.

After being diagnosed as type two diabetes several years back I took control of my diet to avoid complications. This year's physical my A1c was 5.9 without medication and my weight was down 25lbs to 175lbs. To my complete surprise the doctor suggested that I should have a sleep study done.

Consider that for a moment. I hadn't been asked for a sleep study when I weighed a little over two hundred pounds. Now having lost weight and bringing my A1c into a normal range the doctor requires yet another test. Why? Because after all of these years of constant unrelenting test this is one that hasn't been done. It's really just that simple. Let no good deed go unpunished.

Perhaps I strayed a bit from my intended topic, I apologize. I wanted to add some context to my story. I wanted to illustrate why I'm saying that I set the limit for my fundraiser on the lower side. Let me further demonstrate the lengths to which this excessive testing goes.

Last year the cardiologist that I was using ordered a heart catheter after my stress test came back normal. Why? Because he could. When the heart catheterization came back with no issues he went on to order a electrophysiology study which comes in at a tidy 80k. I then consulted a VA doctor about this and he said don't do it. He said this test was for an irregular heartbeat and since I had never had a irregular heartbeat there was no grounds to support asking for that test.

Have I set the goal for my fundraiser too low? Do you think my fundraiser is worthwhile? The comments section is open. Would you like to see more posts? The first $50 donation will have me working away at another post!

Kirby McCain
My Medical Fundraiser

Perspective of Crisis

Recently a very good thing has begun to happen, the little man is being noticed.

#TwitterPhilanthropy is a movement led most notably by @pulte or Bill Pulte. He and his followers assist people who need help with a variety of adverse circumstances. Every day people that have a medical crisis, facing homelessness or need help with housing and utilities are being helped by this movement of charitable giving. As someone that is facing hard times I wanted to take a moment and share my experiences of fundraising and working to overcome my present situation.

I'm a CDL truck driver diagnosed with atherosclerosis. I had triple bypass surgery in 2008 and in 2016 had a endarterectomy and stent to correct stenosis of the left carotid artery. Due to my medical history I must be certified annually to continue driving. Now doctors are focused on my right carotid.

Left carotid surgery 
The tricky part of this situation is that I still have my job so I can't draw unemployment. If ever there was a crack to fall through this is certainly one. I have short term disability that I pay for on my insurance but it doesn't kick in until forty-five days. In the meantime I'm paying copays and other medical expenses on top of basic living expenses.

For thousands like me you're living life on a string. What might be a minor annoyance in your regular life can threaten you with homelessness or worse. Inability to pay a phone bill makes it many times more difficult to get a job or stay in touch with doctors. Maintaining housing and transportation can be giant hurdles. Things we routinely take for granted. It's no surprise that so many have turned to social media and crowd funding as a means of survival.

My day starts early. I check my social media and make a post or two to promote my fundraiser. Then I'm off to doctors or the Atlanta VA Medical Center. Today I received my Family Leave and short term disability insurance paperwork so I'm busy getting that filled out so I can get it in the hands of the doctors for completion. For those in crisis everyday is a challenge and an opportunity.

Note: upon taking the family leave act and disability forms to my private physician I was informed that they charged $35 per form filled out. I mention this to illustrate the ongoing expenses that I face in trying to resolve this problem.

With thousands of people in need, getting noticed and distinguishing yourself from internet panhandlers is both crucial and difficult. At 62 I can assure you that I'm not the most savvy social media person you might encounter. In order to assure people of the validity of my situation I update regularly often with photos of my most recent hospital bracelet or just simply checking in on Facebook when I'm at the hospital.

For thousands of people my situation is their situation. A struggle to avoid catastrophe. Treading the waters of uncertainty. In my darkest moments I worry about homelessness and by extension so do the many thousands of people that are living in crisis. One day at a time I remain focused on resolving the problem. Everyday twenty four seven is about staying positive and maintaining hope.

When some kind soul donates or shares my fundraiser it lifts my spirit away from the dark ponderings about the uncertainty in my life. It's often difficult to express the gratitude I feel but it is real. It restores my faith in God and humanity. It gives me the courage to keep going. It's more than money it's a testament to caring. And to everyone that has cared enough to share in the burdens of another person's struggles I say thank you and may God bless you.

Kirby McCain
My GoFundme Medical Fundraiser

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Democrat Disturbia

Let's admit it the media is in love with The Squad. Anytime one of them opens their disrespectful mouths the cameras are rolling. From the perspective of my sixty-two years on the third rock from the sun, it's very reminiscent of any anti-war movement. It's how the media uses its pervasive power to influence public sentiment.

An illusion is created that these fringe players represent a much larger segment of the population than they do. On several occasions these narratives have destroyed support for a war or military intervention. And now, it seems, the media wishes to promote the BDS movement.

There is no popular support for us to abandon Israel. Going back to the administration of Barack Obama we can see the seeds of this animosity towards the Jewish State. It was no surprise given his warm praise of Islam. He was, after all, the father of the Arab Spring.

Obama infected the Democrat Party with his own anti-Semitism. How this might play with voters I cannot say. I can assure you that the media will spin this as good policy and not the naked anti-Semitism it most certainly is,