Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Post Protest Afterglow

It warms my heart to see all those ladies out there with their signs listening to the other ladies on the bullhorns. They're not really angry. They try to look angry. Heck, they're just happy to all be together again.
Smile if you're down for the struggle
They've all gotten signage they can keep and cherish. They can dust it off from time to time and show it to friends. Maybe one day they can pass it on to their children, if they decide to adopt.

I'm so happy for them. It's a special time for them to be able to carouse with other women who are also educated and childless. They go out for the big show then retire to a Starbucks to share some talk over a latte and gloss over the handouts to old strains of The Indigo Girls

Those guys aren't there for the protest
I can see the girl cave in twenty years with signs on the walls and a pussy hat on the bar.  A Pride banner above the bar in a room full of cats. Yes ladies, the future looks bright because you're making a difference. There's no telling where this movement could go.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: New Democrat Same Antisemitism

After the former resident of of 6400 Pennsylvania Avenue rambled through the Middle East like a bull in a china shop the new kid on the block,  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, is unsurprisingly critical of the current administration's support of Israel.

The soon to be exalted NYC congressperson's criticisms of Israel found sympathetic ears over at socialist friendly ABC.

"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the first-time candidate who upset 10-term incumbent Rep. Joseph Crowley in last month’s Democratic primary, incorporated criticism of Israel’s actions into her campaign, condemning what she called a recent “massacre” in Gaza and calling on more Democrats to focus on the struggle of Palestinians."

You may have noticed, as have I, that leftists and their propaganda outlets don't like to talk about the half million Syrians dead in a war started by their Golden Child. Those major news outlets certainly haven't spent any air time detailing Israeli aid to Syrian civilians caught up in Obama's war. It's exceedingly unlikely that Ocasio-Cortez would want you to know about Adiel Coleman. The Israeli citizen and father of four murdered by a Palestinian on a five day work pass. 
From ABC
ABC and Ocasio-Cortez talk about demonstrators killed by Israeli Defense Forces. To Socialist Democrats that openly advocate for violence in this country the violent mobs at the Israeli-Gaza border are totally justified. They don't spend much time talking about the Iranian aligned terror group Hamas. 

"Hamas seeks Israel’s destruction. It has fought three wars with Israel since seizing the Gaza Strip from forces loyal to Western-backed Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in 2007."

The Democrat party has long since departed the mainstream of American politics. Yemen, Iraq, Libya and Syria all suffered under the foreign policy of Obama. The Iran Deal rewarded the regional bully with American treasure while allowing them to pursuit their dark ambition of nuclear terrorism. An Iran friendly Democrat party promises only more death and destruction. As long as their propaganda outlets ignore those stories perhaps their collective conscience won't be bothered much.

Massacre? Israeli citizens struck down for political gain. IDF and police officers who have given their lives to maintain the peace. They get no consideration from pariahs like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Thanks for taking the time to read. I've been out of work with a medical condition for three months. I write on the good days. If you would stop by my #GoFundMe page. Donate if you can and share on your social media. Thanks and check back soon.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

What Independence Means

The men and women that brought forth this nation chose to break from England and chart their own future. They committed themselves through blood, sweat and tears to the concept that all men should be free. In all of history there isn't another story as wonderful and unique as the birth of The United States of America.

Being governed from afar by England led our founders to create a union based on more local governance. So that today the idea of state's rights still acts as a hedge against federal overreach. And above all of that is the freedoms of the people.

Thus, the people of our great land have had the independence to follow their dreams both large and small. The principles of the founding and the people have endured. Our nation's independence was never simply a victory of arms. The Fourth of July is a celebration for the victory of reason. God Bless America.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

The SCOTUS Abortion Scare

If the Democrats and their left-wing media allies were't using this scare tactic all the time it might have some claws.

If Trump were replacing a liberal justice I might be able to understand the liberal hysteria.

The truth is that we've had a liberal court since FDR and maybe, just maybe, it's time to call an end to the liberal activism from our high court. The court was never intended to enact laws. Something it has engaged in for at least fifty years.

The plain truth is that Planned Parenthood was and has been the biggest threat to legal abortion. It has been documented that counselors  at PP have routinely not reported cases of abuse involving minors who sought abortions. And then we have discovered that PP has been selling baby parts. Both are things extremely repugnant to a just and moral society.

That Kennedy wrote the majority opinion for Lawrence v. Texas has no doubt played some part in this hysteria.

Thank you for reading. I'm a veteran who has been going through a very rough time. I've been out of work for three months with medical issues and having been trying so hard to return to work. I could really use your help. I'm trying not to fall through the cracks. Please take just a moment to visit my #GoFundMe and read my story. Donate and share on your social media.