Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Post Protest Afterglow

It warms my heart to see all those ladies out there with their signs listening to the other ladies on the bullhorns. They're not really angry. They try to look angry. Heck, they're just happy to all be together again.
Smile if you're down for the struggle
They've all gotten signage they can keep and cherish. They can dust it off from time to time and show it to friends. Maybe one day they can pass it on to their children, if they decide to adopt.

I'm so happy for them. It's a special time for them to be able to carouse with other women who are also educated and childless. They go out for the big show then retire to a Starbucks to share some talk over a latte and gloss over the handouts to old strains of The Indigo Girls

Those guys aren't there for the protest
I can see the girl cave in twenty years with signs on the walls and a pussy hat on the bar.  A Pride banner above the bar in a room full of cats. Yes ladies, the future looks bright because you're making a difference. There's no telling where this movement could go.

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