Sunday, July 1, 2018

The SCOTUS Abortion Scare

If the Democrats and their left-wing media allies were't using this scare tactic all the time it might have some claws.

If Trump were replacing a liberal justice I might be able to understand the liberal hysteria.

The truth is that we've had a liberal court since FDR and maybe, just maybe, it's time to call an end to the liberal activism from our high court. The court was never intended to enact laws. Something it has engaged in for at least fifty years.

The plain truth is that Planned Parenthood was and has been the biggest threat to legal abortion. It has been documented that counselors  at PP have routinely not reported cases of abuse involving minors who sought abortions. And then we have discovered that PP has been selling baby parts. Both are things extremely repugnant to a just and moral society.

That Kennedy wrote the majority opinion for Lawrence v. Texas has no doubt played some part in this hysteria.

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